4 Tips for Protecting Your New Lexus This Winter

February 14 2023,

4 Tips for Protecting Your New Lexus This Winter

Congratulations on your new Lexus! You've got the keys to the future, and now it's time to make sure you take proper care of it during the winter months. The cold weather can wreak havoc on your vehicle if you don't take proper precautions, so here are a few tips to help you keep your new ride safe and sound this season.

Check Your Tires Regularly

Your tires are an essential component of your vehicle, especially during winter. Make sure to check them regularly—at least once a month—for any signs of damage or wear and tear. Also, be sure that they have adequate air pressure. Low tire pressure can cause dangerous skidding in icy conditions. So, if possible, invest in winter tires that are specifically designed to give your vehicle maximum traction in snowy conditions.

Protect Your Paint Job

The cold weather can be hard on your car's paint job, so it's important to protect it from salt, mud, and other elements that can chip away at its finish. Invest in quality car wax or sealant and thoroughly clean your vehicle at least once a month. This will help preserve its shine and protect it from weather damage over time.

Keep It Clean

It may seem like common sense, but keeping your Lexus clean is essential for preserving its value and longevity over time. A coat of dirt or grime can lead to corrosion if left unchecked, so make sure to give it a good wash every few weeks—especially during the winter when roads are covered with salt and other debris that could potentially harm your vehicle's finish or interior components over time.

Monitor Battery Status

Cold temperatures can make starting an engine difficult, so monitoring battery status throughout the winter is important. Have one of our a mechanic check the battery charge at least once a year (or more often if necessary), as this will help ensure that there aren't any issues with power delivery or current drain that could potentially lead to engine failure down the road. Additionally, ensure all electrical connections are clean and free of corrosion, as this could also prevent power delivery issues when trying to start up on cold mornings.

By taking some proactive steps now, you'll be able to keep your new Lexus running smoothly even in extreme cold weather conditions this season - which means many years of reliable driving ahead! With these four tips under your belt, you're well-equipped with everything you need to protect your vehicle this winter and beyond!